Monday, August 27, 2012

I Had a Dream that Movies Could Be...

How come people put Anne Hatheway in good movies*? Ugggghhhh...

Also, I heard the phrase "YOLO" on the radio recently. I haven't heard any kids say it in real life yet... that goes to show just how removed and reclusive I've been for the last year or so. Anyways, how about YOLFESDSUN instead--a counter-culture, if you will.


Some of you may be wondering why the blogging has become so scarce nowadays. I used to be so long-winded about the most trivial of things... but now, it's like I post every other month about sports or politics or other such dumb things. And now I'm beginning to wonder if I have already addressed this topic before... 
Well, just so you know, the reason for the waning of nonsensical electronic writings is not SOLELY because life has become more routine and therefore blasé. It's also because I'm simply growing up... finally! Not all the way, I assure you--but to the point where life isn't all about doing funny things for other people to giggle about while reading your blog. I could bore you on details about my job or about plans for the future or about an irregular dating life, but where's the fun in that? When my blog starts reading like an objective newspaper column, than it has fulfilled its purpose and will shortly thereafter be terminated from everyone's memory banks. Yup. I can do that. 

Ultimately I've been on a big Les Mis kick lately--not because of the new movie but because I am reading the book--and I just had to vent my frustrations on Hatheway mucking up what could be the best movie since Balto 3. 

"...So Different from this CRAP I'm Watching!"

*This is mainly referring to the new Les Miserables movie and The Dark Knight Rises. Not included in this generalization--Devil Wears Prada, Get Smart, Princess Diarreahs (1 or 2), Elle Enchanted.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Save It Mapel!!

So Dwight went to L.A. in a four team trade that didn't involve the Rockets... sigh...

I mean, I wasn't holding out for the Big Drama to come to Houston in the first place, but I was hoping we might land Bynum or something in the crossfire...
And that's how it all adds up for next season. I guess we get to watch Jeremy Lin, right?

Here's to the Houston Texans! It's a good thing they don't suck too!

I mean, what would we do in this town if it wasn't for football? Watch baseball? Maybe some local little league but not the Lastros, Disastros, the Come-On-Over-And-Kick-Our-Astros.
Pssshh... Go Tigers.

You know what I love about the Olympics? Lebron plays for my team. 

In the meantime, there have been some things going on that are not related to sports. Actually, some pretty big things... but I don't like to blog about this stuff until it's written in stone by the very finger of Todd himself. THAT was borderline blasphemous... sorry! Also, sorry for the kind-of-swear earlier in this post... and for the straight up swearing in the linked video. I'm a go repent now.