Friday, June 6, 2008

Bummer Summer

Thank goodness for EFY. Otherwise I might feel like a loser. And I have that song playing in my head as I write this... I think it's called 'Creep'.
Well, funds are running dry and I never performed up to par for this College Works business so pay will be significantly less (it's complicated). Not that I'm a bad painter, I was just too slow this week. And it rained a lot, so we wasted a lot of time (and gas). So here I am at Cinnamon Tree by myself again. I got no money, no girlfriends... at least my pets heads aren't falling off.
Wait a minute, am I on another pity party? Truthfully, I never have a reason to be. If this is the worst that's happening in life, then it's pretty dang good. Man, those poor girls have no idea what they're missing. Ok, I better put some pants on and go over to Lindsey and Jake's. Love ya and later ON!


Bentoxic said...

You need.... Sea Monkeys!!!!

Hey, I have a gift for you that will surely help you woo the girls. When will I see you again?


I Study Sticks said...

maybe in July...?

Jon said...

Your stretching it with the pants entries. Those early ones just flowed. Your throwing pants in there as an afterthought these days, and pants should never be an afterthought.