Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Summers Fly, One by One!

I don't update too incredibly often during the summertime. It's almost over though... Lots to do still here in Provo before the school year begins.
I do spend a lot of time with my family. In fact, my little squirrel sister is here for the upcoming year at BYU! Hooorah! I can now mooch off of her Diner's Plus! Also, my parents are here, and when they come to town, we always do lots of fun things like watch Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamboat (SHONI!). You know, I still remember all the words of that silliness... and it's probably been eight or nine years since I last listened to the soundtrack. Seriously, word for word! I am a human juke box! I also am living with my sister and brother-in-law, this being that transitional period in between apartments. Come Wednesday, I'll be in a house. Who knows what to expect there? People often tell me that it makes it more difficult socially...
Sooo, up comes the semester. What do I expect? Well, you ain't gonna find out! I don't want to tell everyone my goals because then they get their hopes up and stuff. They usually don't happen anyways if I tell people about them. I do not boast in my own strength.
These are for certain:
I am writing a story on the Mountain West Conference for the Daily Universe that will print the first Friday of school. Nothin' big really, just a start.
I do have an interview with Orem Fitness tomorrow to ref flag football again. Yep, reffing again. WHAT THE H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS ARE YOU THINKING!!?
I do have lots of fake teeth. One of them is getting replaced tomorrow. That's when they shoot your gums with needles and it makes you cry no matter what. Or maybe I'm just a sissy.
Then again, I do donate plasma twice a week. I'm not scared of needles. They just hurt significantly more when shot in your gums than in your arm. The new plasma clinic shows good movies too, like Mulan, Kung Fu Panda, and Heavyweights.
I am going to school only part time this semester. Any more credit hours I have beyond the two classes required for application to the Communications program count against me in said application.
Cheat Commandos make me giggle.
What is NOT for certain:
GRADUATION! I can project sometime in the next two years (being done with generals and all), but you never know. I might up and switch majors again...

So, I am excited!
Until next post, what are your thoughts on pleated pants?


Katelyn said...

Todd, you're not a wimp. Needles were invented by Satan.

Also, pleated pants are ridiculous. Surely you don't have to ask other people to know that.

Jon said...

Todd wears pleated pants.