Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Day That is Three Days Before a Real Holiday

When I went to school yesterday, and everyone keeps saying "Happy Singles Awareness DAy!" I'm thinking, "Woa, the world is way more aware of couples than singles on this day..." And then my sister explained to me that it is called such because singles are more aware of their own singleness. I'm thinking, "Woa, I'm painfully aware of my own singleness every day of the week!"

"And the man of little consequence needed not the help of the festival of hormonal imbalances (or as some would say, Valentine's Day) to remind him that was yet a man of little consequence."

So I figure, since there is Valentine's Day, why not spend every other day of the year celebrating that singleness! Perhaps I should really indulge in my autonomy while I still have it, right? At least up until that day that I actually do end up strapping on the exceedingly heavy weight of everlasting joy and punishment (or as some would say, marriage).

At least it's always a good day to get candy in class, which is the only time I really look forward to having candy because it helps me stay awake.