Friday, February 18, 2011

I Can Link My Blog With No HandleBars!!

How shall I look upon this day now? (Yesterday) A quarter century? Two and a half decades? The silver anniversary of my body and spirit's union? Perhaps as my graduation from a regular guy to "A MENACE!"
Shall I rename my blog: "Modern-Day Menace" or maybe, "Episode 1 and a half, the Randumb Menace" or maybe, "Dennis the Menace Part 2: This Time, it's not Dennis"?
It's strange... I don't feel like much of a menace...?
Anywieghs, for my birthday I didn't do much. I was treated by my little sister, but other than that, I went to a work meeting, then to actual work itself, and inbetween I was scouring Utah valley for Elderflowers. No, not elderberries. Anybody can find those. I mean ELDERFLOWERS, which I made this medieval cheesecake with that turned out to be just plain evil. Evil smelling, and quite evil tasting. I knew it was gonna be wierd when the recipe told me to mix the cottage cheese and the sugar. It was actually for an assignment for my 371 class, but after one bite, I decided my medieval experience was over. I'll stick with regular old cheesecake, thanksverymuch. If you do want the recipe and are feeling particularly masochistic, here it is. It's called Sambocade.
You know what, the Lakers lost to the Cavs. I can ask for no better birthday present. Well, maybe I could...