Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dream Journal

I had a dream the other day that I was a wizard, like one from Harry Potter. I was in a chapel somewhere, and I just kept avada kedavraing everybody. I was one wicked sweet evil wizard, probably still haling from house Hufflepuff. In fact, one specific instance, there was a girl who came in and saw her friend lying dead in the hallway (courtesy of yours truly). She was so distraught that she sat down on the couch in the lobby, just across the room from me. I offered to take her pain away with the magic, and she closed her eyes in submission. I could only point my wand right at her temple, and whisper... "Avada Kedavra..."
Then this crazy music started going off and everyone was under a spell to dance like in that old Disney movie Hocus Pocus with the talking cat. I was dancing too, and my dancing was way cooler and slightly more evil than everyone else's who wasn't dead yet. I was just thinking, "Man, it 's so cool to be EVIL!"
After I woke up in a cold sweat, I had to stare at myself in the mirror for like five minutes. My hair was uncontrollably long, and my eyes were sunken from broken sleep... and I wondered, was this dream a freudian slip of my dark side? I guess I've just been reading too much Poe lately... or maybe the fee's too pricey for them to realize my disguise is slipping; everything's slipping, away, so...