Monday, April 11, 2011

Dream Journal

I had a frightening dream last night, that I was at some sort of Basic Military Training Camp, but the exercises we took on were not really that basic. In fact, they were quite real and quite deadly. Not only did I have to run a great deal on my bum leg (which was still bum in my dreams), but we were given a task to storm a hill whereon three enemy tanks were lodged. Real enemy tanks. I somehow overheard an officer estimate 70 casualties amidst our troop of 150 recruits. Real casualties. I then had visions of running up the hill with nothing for defense against the bombardment of artillery shells but constant prayer and luck, which I somehow knew would fail me. So I did the only plausible thing and tendered my resignation right there and fled the camp, the whole while wondering, "How on earth did I think I was going to be able to do this?!"

So Jake, if Mr. Freud had anything to do with this, you are more of a man than I am.