Friday, April 29, 2011

Why does it snow, precious?

Yes, it being April and everything, the snow makes me sad. It makes me so sad, in fact, that I start thinking of all the things that make me sad, which probably makes you think I'm gonna make one of those listy blogs again, but I'm not going there today. Instead, I will list one thing that has made me the most sad so far this summer:

They took out my rail south of campus!! You know those stairs that lead straight to 300 E? I always used to ride those rails (but not on Sundays, because it's the Sabbath and my dress pants make me go too fast). In fact, I used to look so forward to coming on to campus just because I knew I got to ride the rails on the way home. Now they're gone, gone away with all the shattered dreams and yesterjoys and made-up words that hint toward my meaning but are only manufactured for the sake of completing these sort of congeries and for sympathetic emphasis.

Speaking of not made-up wordses:
My little sister is a flibbertigibbet. No squiggly red lines under that one.
You can expect her to participate in any lollapaloozas around here, especially if there are doohickeys involved. At least she's not a ninnyhammer like me, doing naught but eating my slumgullion and leaving no orts or bezoars for my imaginary zedonks. Interrobang!!?
Good night, America!