Saturday, April 21, 2012

Keep Reading, It Gets Weirder

I was standing outside the other night watching the lightning show and thinking how much I missed the thunderstorms of Texas... then I started scratching this itch on my arm and the thought actually went through my mind, "I hope this is some sort of terrible bug bite." I mean, if it wasn't then it was probably poison ivy. So far, it hasn't spread or anything.
Then I went outside--the smell of the fresh cut grass after rain, bringing in a windy cold front is very specific in this region. I realize I haven't smelt that smell in over eight years. The smell of springtime in Texas... it's so high school! Back in the days when Facebook wasn't even invented yet, kids still called each other on land lines, and the Houston Astros were a relevant team. I drove a 93 J30 Infinity with 350 thousand miles on it, the biggest social events I attended where stake dances, and my only care in the world was to get in to BYU to watch Crowton's Cougars fumble the ball to a frustrating degree.
Yes, this is another one of those pointless nostalgic posts.
Has it really been eight years since I've been home for my birthday, Halloween, general conference, or Easter? Big deal... 26 aint nothing (which I guess means it's something?), so why am I writing this post as if I'm having a mid-life crisis? I'm gonna live to be 120 after all. Maybe it's a mid-bachelorhood life crisis (and there was much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth!).
Maybe it's the dreams I have of fighting ninjas... and losing.
Maybe I don't have a whole lot to write about so I'm getting repetitive and unoriginal.
Maybe I just like saying the word maybe...

Since we're on the topic of unoriginality and stuff, let me just make a few comments on some things completely different:

That movie, Hunger Games, was real good. I've never seen a movie stay so true to the canon (the book). It's funny how the audience can get so offended when movies stray from the books they're based on, or vice verse when it comes to Lord of the Rings. Remember, people, it is a movie "based" on a book, not the book put directly into motion picture medium. But with this Hunger Games, it could have been the latter, and quite applaudably* so.

Also, I watched the new Muppets movie. I am a muppet of a man.

Also also:

Dear Mr. Obama,
     Your taxes suck.
     I am moving to Tonga, and you'll be sorry that I left!!

Not that I'm threatening the government or anything, I just think when I'm famous, they'll be like, "Hey, he's an American! Oh wait..."

*Denotes a newly invented word.