Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dream Journal

Ok, I'm out of boxes of macaroni so I need to do some shopping, but before I forget:
Last night, I was hanging out with Morgan Freeman and I was Andy Duphrain, only Shawshank looked more like high school with a cafeteria and hallways and such. We still all wore the same denim prison outfits though. Some of the guys close to Morgan Freeman knew that he was about to bust out of prison. For some reason, we had seen it on a movie before, but nobody said anything to him even though I wanted to go up to him and be like, "Hey Morgan, hatch any good plans lately?" Instead I just said, "Hey Morgan, you're looking strange today..." Wink wink. What a terrible friend! And then, immediately after saying that, I suddenly remembered that I was the one who was supposed to bust out of prison that night, so I had better get to it!
Then we were all in the cafeteria and my friend Richie from the mission/EFY was there and his family was visiting him and I was thinking, "Oh man, it's got to be so embarrassing to be in prison when your family still cares about you!" And then I hoped my family never showed up. In fact, I was hoping they never found out that I was ever wearing denim prison outfits. Then the movie started on the big screen which actually was the reason that everybody was gathered in the cafeteria for in the first place. And then this hefty lady in a satin red dress started dancing and singing (not in the movie, in real life... sorta) and I thought "Man, this is supposed to be entertainment? PSssssshhhh... Prison sucks. Where's Morgan? Did he bust out yet?"

My alarm then went off and I got out of bed to face the feels-like-negative-nine weather outside and I started wishing I was in a warm prison somewhere hanging out with Morgan Freeman. Have you guys seen that Lego's Movie trailer yet? It actually looks really funny.

Reason to stay a bachelor for life number 88: You can eat chili mac for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and not have to worry about holding in the explosive gas around ladies or children.