Friday, September 4, 2009


So, shall we start with the bright side?
I made 35 bucks today! The only expense was a needle and Brendan Frasier trying to be an action star. What movie did I watch today as I sold plasma? Here's a hint: I was so NOT scared that I might have NOT soiled my pants.
On the flip side, my story did not appear in the paper. This is why I don't tell people about my dating life. You might think something is going to happen, then it doesn't... how very disappointing...
And later that day as I bit into a burrito, that bugger of a tooth I lost several months ago decided to up and vacate again. Unfortunately, the dentist does not open on Saturdays. Fortunately, I've already made an impression on most of the people in my ward. Those who I haven't yet, well, they can believe I'm Jonny Ripshank from backwards Arkansas. Maybe you can think of a better redneck name, no?
I signed up for an ultimate league in Orem a couple of weeks back. It cost me $20. The ironic thing is that the only game that I will actually make will be tomorrow. After that, every Saturday morning and whatnot is occupied by reffing 3rd grade flag football.
I don't mind, really. $20 bucks is what, two-thirds of a donation?
There is a rave dance party right outside my house tonight. I'm glad I don't do drugs.


Jon said...

Joe Bob Ferguson. Nickname..Turd. So sucks about your tooth. I've been there my friend. Play it off into a joke and everyone will think its awesome instead of thinking of you as a hillbilly. Might not get you alot of dates though...