Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dream Journal

Wierd dreams lately... and a wierd spelling of wierd.

So, I dreamt last night that I was back in Texas and playing soccer on my bike with my nephews. This was a really long dream and it deprived me of a good night's sleep. I was feelin all nostalgic.

Then, I had another dream that I got pulled over in the back roads of Provo by this blonde cop, who gave me a citation for driving ten miles UNDER the speed limit, and then another one for stopping in the road when I saw a cop pulling me over. Both citations would cost me $190 combined. I was furious! I remember being so furious with the system and their 'performance standard'! I don't think I've ever been that angry in real life.

Then I had a dream last night that Waylon fell out again. You know, Waylon, my tooth. That means I have about 6-15 days left before that vision comes about.

So every night I've had these vivid and random types of dreams, and it leaves me to wonder... is it something I ate (like spaghetti sauce seasoning that expired in 2007), or is the Lord trying to tell me something... hmmmm....

Gotta go, peer review time.