Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Observations in the Library

Sitting here in the library, after a good half hour of conjuring up some essay, my attention span wanes and I begin to look elsewhere for a bit. I start to observe people around me, and I find them fascinating in an almost creepy sort of way.
For instance, I swear that's Keri Russel's cousin sitting across the way from me. Also, some Asians are actually... attractive. Maybe she's Phillipino? There's a girl at the printer that I took out when I was in Liberty Square two years ago. There, caught her eye! She didn't acknowledge me though. I guess I can't blame her. And without fail, there is always some dude watching anime. Have these people no shame? I wouldn't even watch Avatar (the Last Airbender type) in a public setting. I wouldn't be caught dead watching the actual movie again, because then I'd be dead and have no way to explain it. Nyuk nyuk, I think I've used that one before. Thanks Mr. Beck.
It's 8:40 now, and I see my old roommate from last year. I look him up on Facebook and find out he's engaged. That makes me kind of happy, good for Barret! I also see some familiar faces from old classes, you know the sort where you'd catch their eye and nod as if some semblance of familiarity existed between you, but you don't even know their name. Was it from class, or was it from reffing? Or maybe EFY? I've been here too long.
Oh yeah, there's a couple that won't stop SUCKING FACE over there. What is the nerve with these people and their PDA's? I wonder if they know that they're being watched... and a pattern is being established. Smooch, break, smooch, break... maybe a word here or there between the meeting of the lips. They're still going! In and out like some oral dance of shameless awkwardness...
I should really get back to work but I'm starting to get enthralled with this guy's anime show. I bet they're more enjoyable when you don't hear the sound anyways. I've just realized that the girl that has been sitting next to me for the past half hour or so is pretty attractive as well. She's left her computer but she's still logged on so I can see her name. Grace L... Dick? That's unfortunate. I hope she doesn't come back and prove to be as nosy as I am.
Ok, it's back to wrok time.