Monday, May 23, 2011

Dream Journal

I have a dream... but not like Abba's.

The other night, I had this strange one, where I was at some random chapel after some sort of reception or conference and I was playing basketball. Only, there was no hoop, and there were about twelve people playing and the teams were all of them against me. And I was doing surprisingly well, at least with ball handling, because there was no goal in this game of kinda-basketball. Usually, I can't do anything right in basketball... in my dreams. So, after that quick game, I packed some of my things up in this strange apartment that I had never seen before and went outside where my mom was waiting, only the world was perfectly vertical. I watched her walk to the car and wondered how she kept her traction when she should be falling into who knows what, so I took a few steps on this vertical world. I felt the pull of gravity at first, but eventually, I got used to it myself, like Spiderman but only with sticky feet. When I made it to the car, we began driving off, and some time during this period the world righted itself. My older brother and his wife and their recent son were in the car with us, and that nephew of mine (who just had his first birthday) knew my name even though he had seen so little of me. It was at that point that I realized I was dreaming, cause this was too good to be true. Me, good at basketball? Me, going home to Texas? Me, being addressed by my nephew who can barely talk?

Then I got to wondering as I often have. What if I am still in the back seat of that van, only dreaming that I am writing on this blog, only dreaming that I am going to BYU, only dreaming that I am Todd? I have spent so little time with both feet in reality (or what appears to be reality) as it is that sometimes I doubt my existence, and I had these ideas (or premonitions) long before I ever saw Inception... or the Matrix.
What if this life is a dream? Who will know the difference? It is as Joseph Conrad said, "We live as we dream--alone."
Maybe I just want to wake up and be like, "This is a dream," and have some hot elven maiden say, "Then it is a good dream," and then we make out. She wouldn't look like Liv Tyler though, I'd say more like Jennifer Connely from her Rocketeer days.


Jon said...

What if you are still laying asleep in the back of the big gray van after Mike spit apples on you? You have dreamt every moment since. Mind = Blown. Agree on JC.