Tuesday, August 16, 2011


And the man of little consequence took his talents to Southeast Texas.

Suppose that was the end... What more have I got to write? Ever? Now that I have BYU growing smaller in the rearview mirror of my life, whatever interesting thing could I possible write about? Perhaps about the 18 hour marathon I drove yesterday? Nah, apart from hitting a few birds and a bat and a questionable run-in with the Border Patrol (how was I supposed to know EVERY car had to stop? I thought only delapidated pick-ups were worth their time... surely not a Nissan Altima), it was pretty monotonous. How about my plans for the future? Well, we all know how I feel about plans... eck.
I did spend some time with my sister Becky this past weekend. We watched Kung Fu Panda 2. It was the second time I've seen that movie, and my contacts must have really been bothering me because there's no WAY I am gonna ball like that for a movie that I'm seeing for the second time...

Ultimately, know that this was not a rash decision like I've been known to make this past semester. The stache, the Cowboys and Aliens, the hot dogs wrapped in bacon, the sliding on hardened earth... maybe not my best calls. Yet, the one to leave Utah was done with much deliberation. All that time I feared August, I didn't much entertain the idea of being back to my roots, but here I am going country again. It's real good to see the family, and it's real good to be taking the advice of Rafiki, or Smashmouth, or Marley and Marley (played by Statler and Waldorf)... I will give 5 MILLION house points to whomever can get that connection!


lene b said...

i am currently in tyler, tx. thought about you while driving, but we're too far up north (-ish). good luck to you, todd. enjoy texas. :)