Monday, August 1, 2011

Cowboys and Aliens Do Not Get Along

Cowboys and aliens do not get along. They're like Ninjas and Pirates... or Robots and Monkeys... or Fish heads and banana phones...

Then again, who do cowboys get along with? Mexican Ladies? Certainly not even each other, as I witnessed this weekend. Harrison Ford sounded like he was gargling rocks, and Daniel Craig, as always, was a man of very few words (unless you're torturing him with a knotted rope and chair with no bottom).
I speed dated this weekend. Interesting experience, I must say... and certainly not a bad experience. I was a bit apprehensive when the bishop calls me cause I'm old on Tuesday: "We have an activity for those who are 25 years or older..." I was in the middle of eating my hotdog dinner when I got a call from the stake president to be there in just a few or else... I'm using a lot of ellipsis in this post...
So what was the result of this speed dating activity? Well, I'll let you know when I find out myself.
On Saturday, I had a pretty grood diving catch that tore my knee open for a third time in the past six weeks, but we still lost the game. Now all I have left is frisbee... and this mustache...
Also on Saturday, I went rock climbing with some old friends who are leaving soon. As I was climbing, I was like, "Brother, I am committed!" Turns out, I'm not very good at valleting... balleting... whatever that word is where you hold the rope and the other person climbs. I'm an English major.
On Sunday, I wore a turtle neck and a blazer to ward prayer. What a tool.
So, I figured another riptide week is happening right now, filled with 15 pages of who-knows-what as well as a comprehensive Spanish explosion test (I'll be writing "Bastante!" a lot) and a scramble for a new residence. All in all, it's one of those "I can't wait for Friday" weeks cause it'll all be over. Then I can go back to being a space pirate cowboy ninja, which is about as renegade as you get.


lene b said...

yeah i was wondering about the turtle neck and blazer combo.. but. i liked it.

Lindsey said...

You better shave that nasty stache soon brother of mine, or else I will send andrew's scary sock monkey dreams your way!

Unknown said...

Todd, I know you miss you feel like you lost your man card from reading Emma, but growing a stache will not bring it back... by the way nice use of...