Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Anxiety Dreams

As we turn the pages of life, sometimes we come upon a new chapter. Perhaps we are starting a new job or moving--something important is on the horizon. The night before this big thing, do you ever dream that you're there and something is amiss? I call these anxiety dreams, and they are the best dreams to wake up from because you're like, "Ok, it hasn't happened yet and I haven't screwed it up... yet."
I actually had one of these last week because my employers had sent me an email for a job and it was supposed to be a very important client. So... I spent the whole of the night before thinking I was in a hotel and scrambling to set up all my equipment there in the hotel (because that was apparently where the whole deal would take place) and very conscious the whole time that I still had to shower. Luckily I was in a hotel so the shower was right there, right?
Then I woke up. Then I went to the real depo. Then I screwed it up in real life. Long story involving a failure to communicate on my part. Big woopsy. Anxiety dream fulfilled.
Since I got to keep the job, I was trying to sleep last night and I kept having dreams about doing work again for that same lawyer that was upset with me, but this one kept messing up too. I mean, the witness was plastered drunk and wouldn't stay in his seat, and there were also two girls sitting on the table totally blocking my camera shot of the witness. The frustration was only cut short by me waking up in the real world because my phone went off with a text informing me about my job that day that I didn't know about. I had to be there in an hour, and it was downtown. I didn't take a shower in real life this time.
So, the human subconscious can be a very cruel thing sometimes. I wonder how much sleep I am going to lose as I anxiety dream about stealing cars and meeting up with Detective Jerk-wad and seeing his smug little face and hearing, "My prayer just got answered."

Reason for being a bachelor for life Number 42: Anxiety dreams. I mean, it's gotta be something awful the night before your wedding.