Friday, August 16, 2013

Litany of Misdeeds Continued Continued

So, I found out recently that all those claims that Detective Dirtbag made concerning me being seen in two suspicious situations were both completely false. I wasn't mentioned by anyone during any sort of investigation except for a brief mention as a witness to get timetables right as to the whereabouts of Mr. Colliver.
So yeah, he was doing his job, but he was also violating codes of conduct in the process. I have filed complaints against him with harassment and willingly giving false evidence. I imagine he's already gotten many such complaints, so this was more for me. I can sleep better at night now.
Was this a charitable move on my part? Shouldn't I just forgive and let go? Pssshhh... I think the more charitable move was to do what I can (even if it's just a measly complaint) to help other citizens not have to go through what I did. Who knows how close people come to falling victim to such methods and a justice system that does make mistakes...
And speaking of charity, this whole situation confirmed to me that although we must unfailingly forgive our fellow man, we don't have to unfailingly TRUST them. Charity, then, becomes quite an ambiguous attribute in such situations with rather divisive points of view. So, I ask you concerning Mr. Colliver... Considering charity, do I distance myself from such a person?