Thursday, August 1, 2013

Once Upon an Epic Balderdash

Ok, I'm pretty sure that I heard this actual story on Paul Harvey one early morning on the drive to school. That one instance made me file some semblance of that true story away in my memory banks to be withdrawn years and years later during one memorable Beyond Balderdash family game. You know how it gives you a date and you have to say what is significant about that date? I wrote this story for that date:

And then, years after that, the actual shark week commercial, posted above, shows up on TV. Me and Paul Harvey, we understood the brilliance of this before it was cool. Hashtag iwasahipsterbeforebeingahipsterwascool.

Also featured in that Balderdash game was the Von Trapeze triple flippeze and subsequent doom. Man, we are a morbid family...
And then there was that one Balderdash game where everything was about leprechauns. Someone even re-wrote the script of Fresh Prince of Belair starring leprechauns for the plot of a movie. We also learned how fun it can be to play Balderdash after having watched Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka... pure imagination!
Here are some words I've taken from Balderdash for the rest of my life: Spizzerinktum (cheap tacky decorations), woopknacker (I don't remember), Noop (the skin on your elbow, I think) and Tyrosemiology (the art of collecting cheese labels, not dead cows rotting in the rain). 

Speaking of epic family games, I am watching this thing on funny ESPN commercials, and Albert Pujols showed up. That reminded me of Hayden's answer to the question "What is the most unfortunate name you can think of?" during the game Loaded Questions (about two Christmas's ago). There was also the name of his autobiography, "Why is My Butt Fat?" and "What is the most important thing in a relationship?" followed by his father's "Hayden, we need to have a talk..."


imemary said...

I also learned the word "spizzerinktum" from Balderdash. Woo! Also: "fard" means to apply makeup.

I Study Sticks said...

I think I was there when you learned 'fard'. Remember how we said to some girls, "You look like you farded this morning."

Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh, that seal commercial made me gasp with horror and made Jake DIE of wonder you two get along so well. Balderdash, such an awesome game. Especially when you and Jonno play. I've never played with the nephews though. I bet Andrew would be a hilarious addition when he gets a little older. I think the awesome sense of humor and crazy creative imagination runs thick in the blood all around. Good times.