Monday, April 21, 2008

O Me of Little Faith

How sweet it is to be done with finals! Unfortunately, that's about as far as the sweetness goes...
As far as grades for the finals, they weren't stellar by any means (at least the ones I know about so far), but you never know what the curve holds in store. I worked my pants off and kept up on my homework this semester, that's what matters...
As far as finances, I want to be a red-blooded American and sue every time I think of Provo Police, or whoever handles parking violations. Ya, they gave me two tickets for one violation, less than six hours apart. Can they do that? Apparently they can, because I appealed them and the fines upheld, effectively screwing me out of 60 bucks. That's the equivalent of over 7 games of officiating. I did get the parking violation for campus voided, so that spared me 30 bucks. Nevertheless, I will still fight the city of Provo, so help me! This is one bowl of spinach life has thrown at me that I am going to throw right back!
I parked on half a red curb, by the way. The first ticket was given at 9 A.M., the next at 2 P.M. I was at school for both.
As far as the Rockets... I'm sorry, but it's over. This is not their season. We gave up two games at home to the Utah Spazz, and now we take them on in Salt Lake. Maybe next year right? We made history with 22, that's what almost matters...
And the finale, how goes it with the ladies? Have you ever had something on your computer not work, and you try the same thing over and over again to try and make it work, but it doesn't? Then a few weeks or a month go by, and you figure time has passed so maybe it will work now... but does it ever? Considering I used a computer analogy, you may be guessing the lady life isn't too hot. Yes, computers and ladies... two of the most frustrating things in my life. Along with Rockets and parking tickets and finals...
Sorry for the venting blog. I'm actually really happy right now. I'm going home in two days!! And if I was a giant hot dog, I'd probably eat myself!


Bentoxic said...

I once received three tickets in a matter of an hour and a half for two different types of violations from the same officer of the prod city of Provo. I think they just hope you will pay them because. I went straight to city hall and had two of them removed. They couldn't justify giving me the multiple violations. Yours were farther apart in time, so they can probably make them stick.

I Study Sticks said...

nope, i only had to pay one