Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Things I want to do before I'm through with BYU

1. Compete in raquetball intramurals.
2. Play the caralon (bell tower) again. I've already done it once.
3. Participate in a talent show where I sing my version of "Long December"... called "Long Semester"
4. Hear someone rip one really loud in the testing center... even if it's me.
5. Use the bathroom in every building on campus (there's about 200 or so, I've tagged probably about 15).
6. Go on a date with a different girl every day for a week, maybe excluding Sunday.
7. Have a picnic on top of the SWKT.
8. Instead of greeting people with the usual "Hello", or "How are you?", I'll say, "Giddyup!" or "Nice Pants" for like a month... or just a day.
9. Audition for some singing group, maybe Vocal Point... ya right...
10. Graduate with a MRS degree, with all benefits included.

It's not an ALL inclusive list of my goals here. Each one could be a cool story to remember about BYU though.


Retep Graybeard said...

The Caralon Tower story needs to be rehashed. I want to hear that one.

I Study Sticks said...

There was a girl in my Freshman ward who played it, so she had keys to it. She took us up there and we heard the bell chime the hour. It was ear-splitting from up there, but I played an additional note at the end to fool everyone into thinking it was 4 o'clock instead of 3. snicker...