Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Most Creative Game Ever Invented

So, I go on these long trips with my oldest brother's family to see my nephews play their junior league football games. On these long trips, we have a lot of fun playing whatever crazy games Uncle Todd can think up. So me and Peppermint Dragon played this awesome game that I'm pretty sure is the most creative game you could possibly play... well, at least it takes second after Calvinball.


Here's how you play: you think of a "What if..." question that's completely off the charts random. Then the other person has to respond with their own completely off the charts random "What if" question.

Todd: "What if I flexed my muscles and the world exploded?"

P. Dragon: "What if I had leprechauns in my pants?"

Todd: "What if our church building was made out of jell-o?"

P. Dragon: "What if I had teeth in my nose?"

And so forth.
Now, there are a few ways in which you can lose.
A. Actually responding to a "What if" question. Sometimes, it's really hard to resist this one when I ask something like, "What if every time someone sneezed, silver fire came out of my ears?" I mean, you'd want to answer that question, but as soon as you say something other than "What if" to start your turn, BUZZ!!! You lose!

B. Unoriginality. Wow, that word didn't get a red squiggly line under it! Anyways, when a player says something that is basically a regurgitation of your last "What if" then BUZZ, losify him (or her)! "What if cat meant dog?" "What if hot meant cold?" BUZZ, same concept, same structure= busted!

C. Unoriginality part deux. Sometimes, someone might try to sneak something in from a movie or something: "What if I cut down the largest tree in the forest with a herring!" BUZZZ!!! Who can name that movie! (Also, the "cat meant dog" one was from a movie, so I should've gotten buzzed by my opponent there, but he didn't catch on.)

D. Taking too long... if they can't think of a "What if" before you fall asleep from boredom, then BUZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz....

So these are the rules for the Second Most Creative Game Ever Invented. It's fun and stuff. I think you should try it on really long car trips with someone having less brains than you, cause it makes you feel really funny, smart, and BADDABING creative!!


Justin said...

Monty Python. Also loved the Calvinball reference.