Friday, October 7, 2011

Every Which Way

So I was sitting around thinking about what it would be like to be a bag of hot nickels, when it occurred to me... my computer froze up in Utah because it was so cold there. Then it froze on me here and that whole theory went debunkt... which is probably not a word. So I started writing my letter to Santa, asking for the usual bo-staff and Sham-wow. Then I wanted to blog about all those nay-sayers that thought my social life would go to the pits after I returned home... let me assure, I have made EXCELLENT friends... with my cats... and with NetFlix. Then I weighed myself and the scale pronounced me the heaviest I have ever been in my life: 151 lbs. Geck!! Maybe I should stop eating midnight snacks thrice a midnight. That might cure the increasingly odd dreams too... I'm just making this up as I go, really. "That's bad blog writing, Petey!!"