Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tag, I'm It!

7 Randumb Facts About Me

1 - I have an average of one big embarrassing moment per week. This week's was at Dance Lab, when I couldn't get hook arms with my partner to escort her as the routine demanded... at least not for like a minute straight. So there we were having an elbow fight while everyone else danced on...

2 - I wanted to carve cantelopes instead of pumpkins this Halloween. Too late, Halloween's over, it's time to break out the Christmas music!

3 - Last night I went to a few parties with my jeans tucked into some boots, a plaid button up shirt tucked in, and a camo hat to boot. Some people actually thought I dressed up for Halloween.

4 - I don't know enough people that blog to "tag" anyone else. Forgive me oh gods of the chain mail...

5 - I don't have any kids. One day I will have 12.

6 - I am un-computer savvy. I've tried to change the layout of this blog like five times now... and if I had a quarter for every time I got the blue screen of death on this computer, I would have like 12 bucks!

7 - Minds are like parachutes. Just because you've lost yours doesn't mean you can borrow mine.

By the way I totally missed the anniversary of this blog. There's gotta be a way I can celebrate somehow... I know! I could write the word "pants" a hundred times!!! Pants pants pants pants pnats pnats pants pants panst panstp anstp anstpnasp tnasptnapsntapsnt panstpa sntpans tpans pnastpnasptnasptnapnstpsnatpnspanaptnpstnpnastpnasptpasntpanstpnaptnapstpnastpnapntp

Nevermind. We'll see later this month.