Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Am Officially Always Left Logged On!

"Laurel is the best person ever. Todd worships the ground she walks on. Todd also does not know how to log himself out of anything. I guess the all amazing Laurel will have to teach him. Or she can just laugh..."

-Laurel Martin

My response:

"You devious and sneaky little wretch! Next time I'm home, you're in for the pumbelling of your life! I hope your cat sheds fleas on you at night so you can lie awake itching yourself and thinking of all the rotten things you've done to your undeserving brother... I hope you miss me when I don't show up for your graduation... I hope you leave yourself logged on so someone messes with your facebook status and puts your social life in jeaopardy!

By the way, I like the idea of communications. You know, just maybe..."

- The guy with the pants on


Laurel said...

really? thats awesome. see i'm not all that bad...most of the time :)

superherotrainer said...

We handled that one for you Todd :)

Anonymous said...

i would have to agree, laurel is pretty awesome!