Thursday, March 6, 2008

Nap Time 101

I've decided that it's not really helping me at all to go to class for calculus. At this point in the lectures, I am so far lost the professor may as well be speaking in Chinese. As such, I inevitably fall asleep 15 minutes or so into class. I'm not even fighting it anymore there. The same goes for HEPE 129.
Oddly enough, I will continue to go to class... why? Because I'm Todd pants Martin, that's why. It's just what I do. Something about commitment...
Even more odd, I continue to do well in these classes. As long as I do the homework, the book pretty much teaches me all I need to know. I've only missed one assignment of the 24 so far and that's because I didn't go to class because I couldn't walk very well at the time (snowboarding incident).
So tomorrow I'll wake up at 7:45, go to calculus, turn my homework in, stare in utter oblivion at the chalkboard, let my mind wander off to the land of Pure Imagination, and then go do Monday's homework right after class. Then maybe I'll kick off the weekend to a celebration of history being made!

One word: seventeen.