Friday, June 17, 2011

If I Had A Game Show

So, lately, I haven't had school, so I've done a lot of thinking about random things. Sometimes, those random things are obscure movies I am familiar and you have probably forgotten them. If I ever had a game show, it would be to take quotes from these movies and see how often a contestant could get the right answer. I always would. Like I've always said, I have a quotagraphic memory.

Let's see how you would do...

1."Pork rind?"
"Pork rind."

2."Watch it there, Connie. You've got a dangling participle."

3."They have big big bottoms with bad shorts. They walk around going, Hi Helen!"

4."I want a car. Chicks dig cars."
"This is why Superman works alone."

5."Shut up Max!"

6."Perhaps I'm not as stupid as I am ugly."

7."We're gonna catch those thieves red-handed."
"What color are their hands now?"

8."Boris, you ever think you're the reason the other geese fly south?"
"If only your feet were as fast as your mouth."

9."Look at that."
"Steady as a rock."
"Ya, but I shoot with this hand."

10."I'll pop 'em off and you do the skinnin"

11."It is your words that have me hypnotized."

12."KILL INJUN! Is it legal here?"
"White man been doing it for years."

13."Mary Jane, that's like my favorite name!"

14."And daddy, he took my boot!"

15."I'll have a little dog, and I'll name it Kerrigan. It'll be a b**** just like you!"

16."You heard of the dream team? Well we're the mean team!"

17."What is that?"
"I don't know. It's probably a squirrel having a really bad hair day."

18."Wow, just when you really started to like Davy, he goes and has a butt-hole relapse."

19."Admit it, you've always looked up to me!"
"Yes, but it's not much of a view."

20."What is the matter with your eyes? Why can I not see myself in your eyes?"

"I'm alive! I'm alive!"

How many can you get!?


Retep Graybeard said...

I know 7, 8, 9, and 13 for sure. Some others I think I could guess, but the rest... nope.