Monday, October 29, 2007


After finishing the two tests (Psychology rather poorly), I felt like leaving the testing center and shouting in total Braveheart style "FREEEEDOM!!!" How ironic that in a few weeks, I will be stressing over the same subjects again... But for now, I will enjoy obligation-less life. That's a good feeling, you know... but only for so long. I still remember this summer...
I knew how to do ALL of the calc test save taking the derivatives of arctangent and arccotangent, so I feel good about it. Of course, I've felt good about things before, and then I've been severely disappointed later. What else was awkward is I was concentrating so hard on the test in the testing center, I failed to notice my knees were on the girl's butt sitting in front of me for, it must have been like ten minutes. Oops!


superherotrainer said...

Funny Todd! Wonder what the girl was thinking?