Saturday, October 20, 2007

Weekend of Promise

It's a little sad that this posting is beginning to take the place of my real journal... now all I can write in my notebook is the REAL personal stuff...
This time last weekend, I was home alone and doing homework. Today, and tomorrow, will be quite a bit different. I went on a date for the first time since homecoming about four or five weeks ago. It was simple and fun, with a girl from my home stake. And it was her birthday... hopefully I made it happy! So I feel good that I took advantage of my first weekend off of work in a while. It payed off, though I hope dad will understand when I need him to reinburse me because funds are short due to dating splurges...
Tomorrow is a full day! The morning begins with football, where I will be the one throwing flags, then after I do some errands, I will watch a REAL referee throw flags at the BYU game, and then I'll hopefully get to attend a live session in Salt Lake. It's been a while since I've been to the temple. I need it.
So the blessings of the Lord are pouring in! I am probably ten times less frustrated than last week, and all I had to do was hold out, knowing that the Lord answers prayers... in His time.
The only bummer about today was that I missed Avatar again...


superherotrainer said...

Ah, but the heroes and Jon watched it (okay so I admit I watched it to). It was a great example of teenage angst. Glad things are looking up for you and that you have had a fun weekend.

Retep Graybeard said...

Yeah, wait until you have to hold out for months on end. That will try your endurance.

Jon said...

It was a lame episode anyway bro, you didn't miss much.