Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Wasn't it about this time last year that I was diagnosed with chronic sinusitis? I'm wondering if the doctors made that one up... but I still had that miserable cough.
Well, it's back. Hack hack wheeze wheeze... pants...
Where did I get it from? That's nobody's business but the Turks. Or maybe I should stop eating food off the ground (at least I'm pretty sure it's food, most of the time). Hey, funds are tight, I can't afford to pass up any opportunities, right?
And my 343 book still has not come in the mail. Do you know how much this hurts my grade? I can't read the book or do the homework on my own time, but am constantly having to bum off other people or the math lab. Ugh... the math lab...
I guess things could be worse... I could be without power for a week or so.
My prayers go out to you, my family. But, there is good to be taken from Ike. If you haven't realized it yet, you will soon, even if it's just the experience that will have you prepared for catastrophic future events, which are sure to come.
Perhaps there is good to be found in this little cough of mine too. You never know.